How is therapy effective when you (typically) only talk for one hour per week?


How is therapy effective when you (typically) only talk for one hour per week?

In: 306

126 Answers

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Therapists are not supposed to magically fix your life by themselves. In order for therapy to work the patient has to be willing to listen to the therapist and apply what they discuss on their daily lives. It’s a long process and some times even if the therapist is applying their training right it might still not work, because some people work better with some therapists and not so much with others.

What they do is help the patient process their emotions and guide them to find ways to better deal with them, as well as give them a different perspective towards those emotions. In time, and if the patient is willing to make changes, there’s progress in how the patient perceives their emotions and how they deal with them. Other times though patients are stubborn, and are expecting the therapist to give them some magical solution to their problems, while being unwilling to change anything about their lives and how they think, at which point the sessions are just pointless.

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