How is there daily temperature fluctuation in places where the sun doesn’t set?


I understand weather might change day to day but looking at a temperature/time graph of Svalbard (that won’t have a sunset for a few months) I was surprised to see that the coolest point of the day is still 3:00AM and the hottest at 2:00PM – a pattern that matches places with regular sunsets and sunrises

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Angle of the sun relative to us. The same way how sun feels hotter in the afternoon to us (when it is directly above us) vs how it feels cooler when it is at an angle during the morning and evening.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sun doesn’t set, but it does go down. That change of angle puts more atmosphere between you and the sun for a few hours, even though it doesn’t go below the horizon.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Somewhere on the internet there is a time-lapse video of sun movement without it setting down. Look for it if you can find it. That’ll help explain clearly.