How it’s possible Mississippi and other states that Americans perceive as very poor have a higher GDP per capita than countries we perceive as rich like France


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15 Answers

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The comparison isn’t fair. The cost to exist is a lot lower across the board in Europe. You need less money.

Think of it this way. You grow up in America. Now you go to college. You borrow $100k, now you have to make payments on that. You buy a car because you need one. There’s another $15k at much higher interest. You are taxed less, but you have to pay a separate tax for your social security, medicare, and you have to pay a lot more for your health insurance. In the end, your take home is less, and you have to service a huge debt.

In Europe, they have free (or almost free) education all the way. In fact, in the northern states, you are paid to go to college. Health insurance is either free or deeply discounted compared to the USA, but the quality is generally actually better. People have healthier lives overall there. You don’t need a car in most of Europe because public transit is exceptional. Its normal for the average German or French citizen to just not own a car.

You get to start at $0. Sure you pay more in taxes, but, once you factor in fica, ss, and health insurance, you are actually better off. The states compete for citizens as everyone is entitled to travel between states in the Schengen zone and live whereever they want. Competition breeds excellence. So each country tries to have better systems and infrastructure to attract people.

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