How lung capacity increases when doing consistent cardio and what happens anatomically?


How lung capacity increases when doing consistent cardio and what happens anatomically?

In: 486

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have tried and deleted to write an explanation for a 5 year old and I have failed a couple of times. went into too much detail and it made no sense.

I would encourage you to look up:

Intercostal muscles.

Have not seen them mentioned on here.

they kinda sit in between ribs and help with breathing. more you train they get stronger and this helps lungs move more air.

there is more to this and also when talking about Lung Capacity im thinking you might look at a peak flow test. but there are other tests that measure lung power/ efficiency Have a look at a FEV test, also buy a peak flow meter they are cheap and its a fun game to see how high you can score.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Okay, let me try to explain it like you are 5 years old.👶

Your lungs are like two big balloons inside your chest that help you breathe. When you breathe in, they fill up with air. When you breathe out, they let the air out. The more air your lungs can hold, the more oxygen your body can use.

Oxygen is very important for your body. It helps your muscles work, your brain think, and your heart beat. Oxygen is like the fuel for your body.

Sometimes, you need more oxygen than usual. For example, when you run, jump, or play, your muscles work harder and need more oxygen. Your lungs have to work harder too, to get more air in and out.

Cardio exercises are activities that make your heart beat faster and your lungs breathe faster. They can help you increase your lung capacity, which means your lungs can hold more air and give more oxygen to your body.

Some examples of cardio exercises are running, swimming, cycling, or playing sports like basketball or soccer. They are fun and good for you!

When you do cardio exercises regularly, your lungs get stronger and bigger. They can also grow more tiny blood vessels that carry oxygen to your muscles. This helps you breathe easier and feel less tired when you exercise.

You should try to do cardio exercises at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. But don’t forget to warm up before and cool down after each exercise session. This will help prevent injuries and soreness.

Remember to drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods too. They will also help your lungs and body stay healthy and strong.

I hope this helps you understand how lung capacity increases with consistent cardio.😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 6/11/2023
(1) 8 Ways to Increase Lung Capacity For Running – Runner’s Blueprint.
(2) How to Increase Lung Capacity: Breathing Exercises – Healthline.
(3) How to increase lung capacity | Live Science.
(4) 10 Best Exercises To Increase Lung Capacity – Paragon.
(5) 10 Exercises To Increase Lung Capacity – Steps To Follow – Stylecraze.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve got some pretty bad answers here. I don’t have time to give you a good one. Just look up vo2 max and realize that the lungs are just a small part of your entire cardiopulmonary system. Your actual lungs don’t have change much to greatly increase your body’s oxygen carrying capacity. Oxygen carrying capacity is what people think of when they say lung capacity.

Basically it’s more about your heart than your lungs for healthy people.