How money works in prison? Do you have your own bank account?


How money works in prison? Do you have your own bank account?

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5 Answers

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I was in a Texas prison.

You are given an account. Since Texas does not pay its prisoners for work, all money to that account comes from the outside.

There is a limit to how much someone can put on your account before it gets flagged, and an investigation takes place. I believe it’s around 250 or so. If someone puts $4000 in one shot, your account will be frozen until they determine that no foul play was involved.

Not just anyone can add money to your account. They have to be screened beforehand by the Texas Prison official. You basically have to be on the inmates visitation list to be able to put money on their commissary account also know an their “books”. So you will hear people say “My brother/sister/mother put money on my books.”.

So you have an account with the prison. Every two weeks or so, you go to commissary( store inside the prison). Commissary has chips, sodas, ramen soups, cookies, toothpaste, soap etc.

You make a commissary list, which is a list made on a special form. You give the commissary this list with your prison ID card, (which everyone has and must keep with them at all times) and they will look it up on the computer to make sure you have money on your commissary account.

Then they will give you the items, deduct them from your commissary account, and you are on your way back to your cell.

Hope that helps.

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