how music algorithms work


How do algorithms choice music based on one song or artist?

In: Technology

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly through tagging that companies do. So they tag a song with a bunch of tags, like “acoustic” “dark” “somber” “autotuned” “instrumental” etc. That’s the songs “sonic profile”. Then, based on the profile of the songs you have manually chosen, it will suggest songs that have a similar profile. There’s a bunch of ways to do this. Cosine similarity scoring is a simple enough one, which is just plotting each tag as a dimension on a graph and using trigonometry to find a song that points in a similar direction (meaning the most similar according to profile). Typically they will use multiple scoring mechanics and have a formula that adjust to “tune” the suggestions. The implementation isn’t as important as just the concept of having a similarity metric that a computer can look up and reference.

It gets very, *very* technical if you want to get deeper, and explaining wouldn’t do a ton of good for you without a strong background in both computer and data science. But, this is the basic idea. They aren’t analyzing the song with artificial intelligence, though, that is also possible (but a lot of effort/money for a relatively small gain)

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