how online college/university works in the US?

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Title is self-explanatory, however what I’m most interested is how a college major works. How much control do you get over what field of study you go into and what you do with it, and once you pick a major, what do you do then? Is it basically like high school with classes and tests or is it different somehow?

Also, what do you do outside of your major? What other stuff is involved in going to college? And how does online school work as opposed to a physical school?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can choose any major you want, but it is also common for freshman to remain undecided until they’ve tried some classes if they are not sure.

Each major requires certain courses to be taken in a certain order. Level 100 anything is freshman, Level 200 is sophomore, Level 300 is junior, & Level 400 is senior.

You can take lower level courses if you are in a higher year, but you can’t take higher ones. Certain classes have prerequisites that may include general education courses as well.

No matter your major, certain general education courses need to be taken in order to graduate.

You also need a certain number of credits to graduate. Depending on your major, you may or may not be required to have a minor as well.

College is faster paced than high school. You have one semester to pass a course, which is essentially 3-4 months. You have to study more on your own or take initiative to form study groups.

You will have a midterm and a final for all courses. Depending on the course, professors may weigh tests, homework, attendance, or participation heavier. It is up to your professor to let you know through their syllabus on the first day.

If you are on campus, allot time to travel from building to building or class to class. Try to schedule your classes so you only have to go yo school on Mon, Wed, Fri OR Tues, Thurs.

You can use your off days to do homework and to earn some money if you have a job.

There are various events and clubs on campus, so you can do as much or as little as you like.

Unfortunately, I can’t speak about online school, but I hope the rest of the info provided was helpful.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’d say if functions much more like an an in-person university than a high school. There’s usually more of a focus on projects than tests compared to in-person school, but of course there still are tests. Course selections might be more constrained, especially if the college is mainly in person