how original parts or models of machinery is made.


How are machines parts made so exactly. I assume there is a master model that all lives are made from but how are those master models created so precisely and how are they measured.

In: 16

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of detailed answers here. I just want to add that when it comes to measurement, you could use something called a gage block set. It is basically a set of blocks that have been precision made to be exactly a certain length (1mm, 2mm, etc). You use these blocks to calibrate your machine so when your machine says 1mm you can be sure that it’s actually 1mm, not 1.5mm or 0.99mm. These blocks are made in such a way that they have very low tolerances, depending on their grade, with tolerances around 0.0003mm on a 1mm block for an example.

Of course this isn’t the only way to calibrate machineries. You could use high precision sensors too for things like semiconductor production. But it’s the simplest one to do. There’s an entire field just based around how we measure stuff it’s fascinating.

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