How Parliament system works?


How does a Parliament work? My impression of it is that it is chaotic and unproductive in solving country’s issues. Every single issue is brought up and before one member finishes speaking, a few others would jump in and interrupt. Why is this system used? Is the a better alternative?

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5 Answers

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What you are describing is not the parliamentary system. You are describing what can often happen when a legislative body has actual debates on the issues. In contrast, in the United States, Congressmen and Senators simply make prepared speeches and then sit down.

A parliamentary government could have the same rules of debate as the United States Congress if it wanted. What makes a parliamentary system different from the United States is that in a parliamentary system, the head of government can be removed at any time by the legislature. He or she is not independently elected. It is neither more nor less stable than the U.S. system.

It is generally more productive than the U.S. system because any political party or group of political parties that can have its leader serve as prime minister can generally legislate as it wishes. There is usually no deadlock nor divided government because the President and Congress cannot agree.

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