how people on opposite sides of the earth can play video games together seemlessly when these games require split second actions


how people on opposite sides of the earth can play video games together seemlessly when these games require split second actions

In: 4913

50 Answers

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Short answer: they can’t, long answer: as developers we cheat to make it look like everything is happening at the same time when actually that’s not what is going on. For example you see a player on your screen and shoot scoring a direct hit. However, the other player in a different country saw something else: they noticed you and quickly dodged behind a wall. The server then gets two notifications “I shot the player at this time” and “I hid behind a wall at this time”. It’s up to the server to the arbitrate which ones of those things happened.

I worked on netcode architecture that was heavily influenced by this great Overwatch talk. It’s not ELI5, but has some great examples, like this one:

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