how people on opposite sides of the earth can play video games together seemlessly when these games require split second actions


how people on opposite sides of the earth can play video games together seemlessly when these games require split second actions

In: 4913

50 Answers

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There are lots of games that seem to require real-time interactions but hide them behind mechanics that are more about actions over time.

World of Warcraft is a great example.

You might get the first hit in a duel (if you have a nearly 0ms ping to the server) but the forced delay between your first hit and second hit (called cooldown) will ensure you can hit the player more than N times in 10 seconds…

the hardware input is handled locally, so has no delay between input and acknowledgement of an action being locked in as the next operation — the server will hold the resolution of action until the proper cooldown has been adhered to…

On the other hand, if you are the other person in the duel and have a 100 ms ping to the server and use actions that have more than 100ms cooldown, you will not notice deficit due to you difference in ping times…

If this was actually real-time… where all input was sent in the raw to a server for handling and all input was handled as it was received from the client … the person with the lowest ping time could spam a fire key and win any fight…

Many PVP games suffered from this problem 2 decades ago…

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