how people swim in water


Hi guys I never learned to swim as a child, and I’ve signed up for adult swim lessons soon. Something I think will help me prepare for the lessons is I don’t know the mechanics/physics behind the motion. So I’m asking

1.) how do people float in water and why is it crucial to swimming?

2.) how do people actually move from point a to b in water while swimming?

EDIT: thanks so much to all who have responded with answers, tips, advice, and encouragement! Trying to read through all your helpful answers ☺️

In: 715

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you fill up a bathtub and kneel next to it (or by a pool of you have one), cup your hand and run it through there like and push some water to one side. Do it hard. Do you feel that you are kind being pushed in the opposite direction?

Push water is the same and pushing off on the ground, it just gives more. But if you push hard enough and get enough momentum, it gets easier and easier to maintain that movement. That’s how you swim.

As for floating, you body kinda just does because there’s stuff in you that’s more buoyant that water (like air and fat). You don’t NEED to be able to float to swim, but it’s easier. Like if I wear a wetsuit or swim in the ocean, it’s easier because I’m more buoyant than usual.

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