Like the title. How are we able to convert pounds, which are a unit of force, to kg which is a unit of mass, using a simple scale factor. How are electronic scales able to give us a unit of mass when they measure by using the force enacted on the scale by gravity because all they are doing is using a conversion factor between pounds and kg that shouldn’t exist
In: 0
Quick way of doing it in your head: add 10% and then double it. It’s not precise but pretty close.
Edit: sorry, it’s the other way round. Lbs->kg would be dividing by 2 and substracting 10%
Check: 1lbs is 0.453592…kg
1/2 = 0.5
0.5 – 0.05 = 0.45 –> off by about 3.592g
The other way round: 1kg is 2.2046…lbs
1*2 = 2
2 + 0.2 = 2.2 –> off by about 0.0046lbs
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