how psychedlic drugs can treat illnesses like depression when you should only take them while you’re in a ‘good’ state of mind


It seems paradox when I read about e.g. LSD or Magic Mushrooms and it says on one side they can be used to treat mental illnesses but on the other side you have to be in a ‘healthy’ state of mind

In: Biology

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It forces you to confront the parts about yourself you don’t like and see your ego (the little voice that is always thinking in your head). It’s not always pleasant and your state of mind is not always good. But you will come out stronger and happier. Confronting your demons is terrifying but can have profound benefits. You do not have to be in a good state of mind, in fact it’s good to NOT be. This allows you to fix things about yourself you don’t like and otherwise wouldn’t have fixed or even noticed. just make sure you’re in a safe space so if you do freak out you aren’t in danger. Source: doing dmt lsd shrooms multiple times.

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