how psychedlic drugs can treat illnesses like depression when you should only take them while you’re in a ‘good’ state of mind


It seems paradox when I read about e.g. LSD or Magic Mushrooms and it says on one side they can be used to treat mental illnesses but on the other side you have to be in a ‘healthy’ state of mind

In: Biology

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s thing about mushrooms: almost 95% of people use them incorrectly and treat them with no respect. If you look at almost any ancient culture, they used substances that shifted people into altered state of consciousness in order to have life changing visions or experiences. From peyote, mushrooms for Mexico ,blue lotus flowers in Egypt, Ayahuasca in South America, the list goes on and on.

People always take mushrooms and try to “party” which usually leads them down a bad path.

There was a famous ethnobotanist names Terrance McKenna who talked a lot about how people didn’t know that they were doing with these powerful ancient plants and it usually ended badly.

More to your question, the biggest problem people make is that they don’t take enough. You have to be able to ingest enough psylibin so it complete takes control of you. The first step in the process of this is what’s a “purge”. That’s basically when you puke, crap, and get really really scared. Every evil image and scary thing will come at all at once, and it’s not fun.
However, if you know what your doing, you will ride through that part, then have a truly deep, life altering experience afterwards.

Most people take mushrooms to get messed up, then get the crap scared out of them when they realize they don’t know what they are doing and the scary stuff comes.

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