How same species of fresh water fish can be found on different continents?


How same species of fresh water fish can be found on different continents?

In: 2

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are two main ways.

Vicariance – originally the species lives across a MUCH larger range of area, but as climactic and geologic events occur, the group gets slowly split up and isolated by each other.

Dispersal – fish either manually or artificially “colonize” different basins until they are completely disconnected from their source. Alternatively, humans disperse them by hand.

Over a long enough period of time, this can allow for the same species of fish to show up in completely different parts of the world.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Related, fish can colonise isolated lakes by the fact that water birds eat fish eggs. Not all the eggs are broken down and the ones that are subsequently ‘dumped’ seed the species in the new location

Anonymous 0 Comments

In some cases it’s because they were introduced by humans, like several species of carp that aren’t originally native to North American waterways.

Did you have a specific species in mind?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know that fish eggs can move from Lake to Lake by sticking on bird-feathers. Maybe this works even overseas?