how sattelites sent to space to take pictures send data back to earth?


I was just reading a book to put my 4 year old to sleep, and there is a part where there is a satellite that took a picture of pluto, considering how far pluto is, how can the satellite send the images back to earth with that distance?

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19 Answers

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Adding to what has been said, physics offers somewhat a hand by how free-space path loss works (where path is the communication or signal path).

With wireless communication, your power (density) is divided by four every time you double the distance from the transmitter, no matter if you go from 10 to 20 feet or from 1 billion to two billion miles. This is a disadvantage on shorter distances, compared to a wired transmission, but starts to be a noticeable advantage on very long paths. Not that it makes it any less amazing to reconstruct a signal that weak once it gets back to Earth.

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