Don’t know their exact technique but in general it takes a lot of practice. You need to work your vocals cords just like you work your biceps at the gym. First they will feel sore but over time it won’t feel as bad as it does initially, as long as you use the correct vocal technique!
Practice – rest – repeat
Think of it like when you were a kid and would pull a strip of paper tight between your lips and blow just right to make a sound. Now loosen the paper just a hair. It’s still tight enough to make a sound, but there’s a distortion in it — a new set of harmonics caused by changing the tension of the paper. That’s what we do with our voices to scream or distort without damage. You’re using the same amount of air with a controlled, but light tension around the vocal folds. Funny thing is, the screamier it is, the quieter it is. That’s why screamers eat the mic.
Most people think that this kind of vocal quality is achieved by tightening or constricting the vocal cords, because this is what comes naturally when screaming in anger or joy.
Even some singers who try the screaming style make this mistake and they do lose their voice and eventually damage their vocal cords permanently.
However, singers who do this expertly utilize a different technique.
The first step is typically to produce a powerful, clean voice first. This is not unlike normal power vocals.
The second step is to introduce just enough vocal distortion by way of several techniques, depending on the kind of screaming and which range it happens on. One technique for example is to utilize a technique similar to vocal fry and integrate that to the “clean” singing.
As one commenter has said, Melissa Cross has some videos that explain some examples of these techniques.
At the end of the day, the technique is not to “force” sound through “constricting” the vocal cords, but to add vocal distortion to an already powerful clean vocal performance by using more relaxed vocal cord techniques that produce the distortion effect.
Plenty of people have given the idea of how it works. If you want to try it in action, force a yawn and try to exaggerate it while “pushing it down” or lowering the pitch. You won’t have much control over how it sounds, but it should start to sound like that. Practice after that allows singers to use it in music.
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