how singers like Dave Grohl, Dan Reynolds, and others “scream-sing” without instantly losing their voice or coughing up a storm?


How can they sing like this and continue into the next song in their set? Is there a secret to this kind of singing where there voice doesn’t go out right away?

In: 980

31 Answers

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There is a lot of technique that goes into singing like this and it takes a lot of practice and warming up to do without damage. However, the easiest explanationto start with is this: if you scream, you force your vocal cords beyond their limits. You can often feel this by the tension in your neck. You can even feel this if you place your hand on your neck. This is the way to ruin your vocal cords, but we do want that tension. So, the tension should come from somewhere else.

That somewhere else is your belly. You need to tense up your core muscles so you build the pressure on the air in your lungs. This is a good practice for all styles of singing. Get the tension on your gut and not on your vocal cords. This way you keep the vocal cords free to play around and can produce a screaming sound, without actually experiencing any tension.

Prerequisites are a good breathing control, so practice this type of singing before you start screaming. And you need to be able to hear yourself sing. If you start singing in a loud environment, your fount to force yourself and will lose your voice again. Practice on singing without tension in your throat. Sing in front of the mirror and every time you see your eyebrows tense up, or start to frown, you’re doing it wrong.

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