how singers like Dave Grohl, Dan Reynolds, and others “scream-sing” without instantly losing their voice or coughing up a storm?


How can they sing like this and continue into the next song in their set? Is there a secret to this kind of singing where there voice doesn’t go out right away?

In: 980

31 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it like when you were a kid and would pull a strip of paper tight between your lips and blow just right to make a sound. Now loosen the paper just a hair. It’s still tight enough to make a sound, but there’s a distortion in it — a new set of harmonics caused by changing the tension of the paper. That’s what we do with our voices to scream or distort without damage. You’re using the same amount of air with a controlled, but light tension around the vocal folds. Funny thing is, the screamier it is, the quieter it is. That’s why screamers eat the mic.

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