How smartphone usage before bed time may disturb our sleep?


Why we shouldn’t be using smartphone before going to sleep?

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One potential issue with smartphone usage before bed time is that it may lead to disturbed sleep. Smartphones emit light, which can disrupt our natural sleep rhythms and cause fatigue the next day. Additionally, many smartphones have apps that are designed for daytime use but can be disruptive at night, like messaging or social media apps. If possible, try to limit smartphone use before bedtime to essential tasks like checking email or text messages.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One major issue is the blue light that is emitted by smartphone screens. This type of light has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than other types of light, which makes it more stimulating to our eyes and brains. When we expose ourselves to blue light at night, it can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycles. As a result, our bodies may have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night.

Another factor that can disturb our sleep is the content on our smartphones. Many people use their phones to check social media, answer emails, and engage in other stimulating activities before bed. This can keep our minds active and alert, which can make it difficult to relax and prepare for sleep. Furthermore, the constant notifications and alerts from apps and notifications can disrupt our sleep by causing us to wake up or become restless throughout the night.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The light from the smartphone, especially blue light, will cause your eyes to break down melatonin. The melatonin is a hormone which is very important to your circadian rhythm. Higher melatonin levels makes you tired while lower melatonin levels makes you awake. These levels naturally go up and down at roughly 24 hour cycles. But it is not accurate so there are a few mechanisms to adjust the rhythm. Seeing light is one of them. If you see a lot of light at night then your eyes will lower the melatonin levels and it can take hours until you get enough melatonin to get a proper nights sleep. And by then the body will not break down melatonin until a full 8 hours have gone so your body will still behave as if it was night until about lunchtime.

It should be mentioned that the circadian rhythm does not adjust that fast. Seeing a lot of light before bedtime does not do very much to your sleep pattern that night, but it does disrupt sleep a bit for subsequent nights as well. So you should not get into the habit.