How some of the foods like hummus/peanut butter/banana etc helps in both increasing & decreasing weight ?


I often find this confusing, when I’ll search for weight gain foods they’ll show the same food for weight loss also. Why it is that?

In: Other

3 Answers

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A lot of these foods are high in protein and vitamins. This is good for both groups. For people trying to lose weight, the protein helps them feel full for longer, and resist the urge to snack. The vitamins ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need on a small amount of food.

On the other hand, if you are trying to gain weight, you are likely trying to gain muscle, not fat. You will be exercising a lot, and therefore need to eat a lot more. By eating these same foods, you are supporting the development of your muscles by ensuring your body has plenty of protein and nutrients that it needs to build them

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