How some of the foods like hummus/peanut butter/banana etc helps in both increasing & decreasing weight ?


I often find this confusing, when I’ll search for weight gain foods they’ll show the same food for weight loss also. Why it is that?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, all food has calories, energy that our bodies can use. If we get more energy from food than we use in a day, our body stores as much of the extra energy as possible as fat.

Now, when some people are trying to lose weight, giving them foods that make them feel full and satisfied helps keep them from feeling hungry and snacking on junk food. So peanut butter, hummus and bananas, in the right amounts, can be healthy snacks that people trying to lose weight can eat instead of cookies, chocolate or ice cream.

BUT, if people are trying to gain weight, like if they are working out and trying to build bigger muscles, their bodies also need more calories to make the muscles grow. And eating even MORE of those healthy foods can help in that regard.

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