How strong is the correlation between strength and muscle definition?


For example, a 170 lb (70 kg) person with defined muscles versus a less muscular person.

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26 Answers

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I feel there is a weak correlation. I worked construction when younger and so did my dad. He was a carpenter for all of his adult life. I remember seeing much younger men with “gym bodies” struggle to move objects that my seemingly overweight father just tossed around with ease.

Muscle isolation yields tons of definition, but not as much strength (and certainly not functional strength). It’s the same reason that many winners of the strength competitions look pudgy by comparison.

Part of this discrepancy is body fat. But for me, I’ll always feel that real strength comes from functional movements using a very wide array of muscle groups. You get this by working on a farm, by doing construction work, or other such work-like activities. Isolating your pectorals, targeting your delts, focusing exclusively on triceps, etc yields tons of great definition but so little real world strength.

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