They buy them. There’s a place where you buy some numbers. Then you convert them into a binary code (ones and zeroes) and when you print evey zero as a black stripe and every one as a white gap than you have your barcode. The company where you buy the numbers (everybody can buy them there) takes care that they are always fresh and unique. Then you feed your computersystem in your shop with that numbers and tell: 1 is milk, 2 is butter, 3 is bread and so on. And then you tell the cash registers 1 is 0.99 $, 2 is 0.59 $, 3 is 1.99 $ and so on. When the cashier scans the barcode, the price is shown and added to your bill.
In realliry the producer buys them and the whole sale, where a shop buys his stuff, provide a computer file with the product’s name and the barcode numbers and sometimes even the prices on it. At the central computer of the shop they can change the price for an offer etc.
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