How tf does binary code work.


it’s just a bunch of 0’s and 1’s.. like I can just put a bunch of them and somehow make a sentence??? like what does this mean -> 010100101001010010 (i legit just spammed 0’s and 1’s)

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26 Answers

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[Each spot in a string of 1’s and 0’s (ON or OFF) corresponds to a “2 to the power of (spot)”.]( These spots are counted right to left and start at 0. If there’s a 1 in the spot, I add it but if there’s a 0 I don’t. so if I say 01011000 then it’s 2^3 + 2^4 + 2^6 – which equals 88. 00000001 is just 2^0, which equals 1.

Every single number only has one combination that will make it, which means that 01011000 is the only way to write 88, and 00000001 is the only way to write 1. Each number can correspond to a letter – in the ASCII table, 65 is A, 66 is B and so on. 8 1’s or 0’s in a row allows 2^8 possibilities – 256 (a lot) and each possible string of 8 means a different thing: up to 256 different things. Basically: 8 1’s or 0’s gives you 256 unique combinations which can mean different things. I’ll reply if you have questions

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