How tf does binary code work.


it’s just a bunch of 0’s and 1’s.. like I can just put a bunch of them and somehow make a sentence??? like what does this mean -> 010100101001010010 (i legit just spammed 0’s and 1’s)

In: 0

26 Answers

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answering the second part first. How do you make a sentence using numbers. Just like those secret codes you made when you were a kid, you just assign a character to a number: 1=A, 2=b, 3=c… 26=z, 27=A, 28=B etc. If you want to encode the word “cat” you would just write those numbers down c =3, a=1, and t=20. We need to put some leading zeros in some times so we don’t get confused between “aa” =0101 and “j” = 11. so “cat” is encoded as 03 01 20.

Binary is just another way to write numbers using only 0 and 1 for digits. 1 in binary is the same as decimal number 1. 2 in decimal is 10 in binary, 3 decimal is 11 binary. If we convert our coded “cat” message into binary we would convert the 03 for c into binary (with leading zeros so we don’t get confused) 00000011 (that’s 8 digits and is what is called a “byte”). the “a” would be 00000001 (another byte) and the “t” is 00010100. so “cat” is 00000011 00000001 00010100.

Before the trolls jump on me, the encoding schemes used in computers normally don’t start with “a” at zero, there are a number of encoding schemes that use different ways and numbers to encode the data. ASCII (american code for information interchange) , EBCDIC (extended binary coded decimal information code or something like that), and Unicode are standards used to day or in the recent past.

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