How THC causes strong feelings of paranoia?


How THC causes strong feelings of paranoia?

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6 Answers

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Thc acts on the amygdala, stimulating fight or flight reactions which can induce paranoia and anxiety.

Recent research has shown that cbd acts to mitigate thc’s effects in the amygdala, thereby countering those effects.

therefore logic dictates to avoid high thc/low cbd items, to avoid excess feelings of paranoia, and as a possible solution, to consume cbd to mitigate such effects.

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Ingesting THC causes a rush that intensifies feeling and whatever feelings you have been repressing also gets magnified. It would be more accurate to say that it brings them to the surface of your awareness. There are some therapists that work with people on this and help them walk through these feelings while high on THC. It gives you access to feelings that are affecting you but are usually below your level of awareness.