How the does body fight sinus infections?


I need this information to check my theory: I think that if I take medicine it will prolong my sickness by not allowing my body to fight the bacteria/virus. Therefore I shouldn’t take medicine unless I truly need it.

Or thats dumb and but whatever I am still curious what is happening in my sinuses currently

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s dumb. The medicine you’re taking is just to fight the symptoms, it doesn’t actually stop the infection itself.. your immune system does that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Antibiotics will quickly clear up a bacterial sinus infection but even when your symptoms are cleared up **you have to continue to take every single pill in the prescription on schedule.** The reason is that antibiotics don’t just kill all of the bacteria they just slow down their growth enough for your immune system to catch up and overpower them.

If you take half of the script and feel just fine and stop taking them you have only killed off the ones most susceptible to the antibiotics. The meanest of the original batch are still in there, you now have a super infection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wow, you cracked it; congrats on knowing more about the human body than every doctor who went to school for 15 years to know what they know. What a waste of time that turns out to be – they should have just asked you!