How the hell do video games work?


I just don’t understand any of it, I play them all day yet I have no understanding of what it is or how it works. The people that make these things must be the smartest people.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Embedded SE and hobbiest game dev.

Games are hard to make from scratch, and most don’t go through the trouble of doing so.(Some do)
There are tools that simplify things to let game devs focus on smaller parts of making their games or spreading work over multiple teams of developers.
You would usually have to combine several projects or libraries(coding toolboxes) to make a game.
Games follow a specific workflow in operation:
Game Loop(most focused on)
Resource release and cleanup

During Initialization: you get everything you need ready, and that is a lot of things but is too varied to cover.

During Game Loop: you take into account user input and “game logic” to update the state of the game, and you do the cosmetic side of playing sounds and drawing on the screen.
Game logic is a name for everything the non-player side of the game is responsible for: updating positions of objects, handling collisions, physics, AI, etc.

During Resource Release and Cleanup: The resources used by the game are released back to the OS, like RAM and processing thread assignments. Basically, allowing the system to use what the game has previously taken over.

It’s not that complicated if you study it and learn how to do it. It’s just a lot of work to get started because it’s a conglomeration of multiple fields: graphical arts, animation, music, User Interface and Experience(UI/UX), physics, algorithm design, behavioral logic(game AI), data science, etc.

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