How tidal locking works and Why we see same side of moon always, This moon thing is confusing me very much, I watched many videos and made a understanding but i can’t picture it, too hard for my brain


How tidal locking works and Why we see same side of moon always, This moon thing is confusing me very much, I watched many videos and made a understanding but i can’t picture it, too hard for my brain

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18 Answers

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The simplest way to think of a tidal lock is that, essentally, many forces slowed down the spin of the moon to the point that it is essentially spinning against its own trajectory.

If you think of it like a bowling ball, the greased lane allows for “back spin” where the ball travels forward, but spins backwards. After a while, this can slow and there is a period where the ball essentially slides on the grease. The back spin has evened out with the friction of the forward travel.

The moon has essentially done this. It is spinning “backwards” along its orbit at the same speed as it is moving forward, essentially “gliding” atop the “oils” of the various forces at play.

Said another way. If you take a ball and tie it to a string, then swing it around your head… While to *you* it seems as if the ball is “always facing you” it is spinning to everyone else. It is just spinning and moving around you at the same time.

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