How tribes are/were dealing with waste? (Feces, food remains or spoiled, etc)


How tribes are/were dealing with waste? (Feces, food remains or spoiled, etc)

In: 11

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feces you would use a cess pit, sometimes called a latrine. You dig a big hole. Take all your shits there. When it’s full you cover it with dirt and dig a new hole. After a number of years grass would start to grow on there and you knew it was safe to turn up again.

Food waste was pretty always turned to animal feed. Pigs and goats will eat just about anything, including bones. So you can turn all your food waste into bacon. Which is a pretty good deal.

Spoilage, again, pigs and goats probably didn’t mind. Otherwise throw it in the compost pile. It’ll be useful next year as fertilizer.

There’s no true “waste” everything can be repurposed. It’s just that today it’s cheaper to just get new and discard the old than it is to actually reuse.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Tribes” don´t produce non bio degradable waste in the first place because they don´t use plastic, so they don´t have to deal with waste like we do. The small amounts of waste they produce is bio degradable and gets recycled by nature (microbes).

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

re: feces, they use it in the fields for compost

then they walk around barefoot

then they get salmonella

Anonymous 0 Comments

They compost it. Either they put it in a compost heap and will proper aeration it will turn to rich soil in just a couple of months which can be spread out on the gardens and crops. Or they burry it in pits where the same process happens much faster. Even the bones will be gone in just a couple of years in good soil. Modern agricultural soil however does not work in this way. Instead of using bacteria, fungi, amoeba, nematodes, worms, insects, etc. to provide plants with nutrition we now tend to add artificial fertilisers to the crops and even use insecticides to kill off any smaller living things. So the dirt is mostly dead and will not compost anything. This also means that any infectious diseases which might come from feces or spoiled food can survive in the dirt we have today while in could not compete with the other bacteria in the soils in the past and just get eaten by the nematodes and amoeba. So it is not safe to compost for crops today while it was in the past.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There was an AMA with a lady who lived in a tribe in Africa somewhere and was visiting family in the city. One of the things I remember her saying is that when women had their periods they went into a specific hut and squatted over a hole till it was done. That does not sound fun.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, if you’re living without any industrial production, pretty much anything can be buried / stored away in some place, and it will be compost within couple of months, which you can then use to fertilise your crops.

You don’t have any plastics staying around until the end of time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people turn food and wastes into fertilizer, or use bones as bone meal, another type of fertilizer. Some people that live off grid do that, its a simple way to reuse feces, food waste, and spoiled food.