How UK car number plates display the year the car was made


My car has a 13 plate and (according to my dad, the dealership and everyone else who knows how they work) was made in 2013. Sounds simple until I try to think about by dad’s last car which was a 56 plate and I highly doubt it was made in 1956 or 2056.

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reason this happens in March and September is for marketing. The car companies bullied the government into that schedule — it was meant to be January and July.

People tend to buy most new cars in the Spring (so it stays cleaner and has less road salt and corrosion in its early life), and also when the manufacturers announce next-years models at trade shows in the Autumn. And people like to have new year-plates on the new cars, just to show off to the neighbours.

This kind of backfired, because it accentuates two peaks in the sales. It would really be better to smooth out production throughout the year.

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