How UK car number plates display the year the car was made


My car has a 13 plate and (according to my dad, the dealership and everyone else who knows how they work) was made in 2013. Sounds simple until I try to think about by dad’s last car which was a 56 plate and I highly doubt it was made in 1956 or 2056.

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15 Answers

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There are two registrations a year (I can’t remember the months, possibly March and September), meaning that they go:

* Mar 2010 – 10

* Sep 2010 – 50

* Mar 2011 – 11

* Sep 2011 – 51

* Mar 2020 – 20

* Sep 2020 – 60

* Mar 2021 – 21

* Sep 2021 – 61

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