How was Germany able to do so well at the beginning of the world wars considering it was up against huge enemies?


How was Germany able to do so well at the beginning of the world wars considering it was up against huge enemies?

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31 Answers

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So the start of the war was “let’s sit here and do nothing” that’s how it started. England and France declared war and sat there for a bit.

Belgium didn’t join in despite having a huge chunk of a the French defensive border called the maginot line.

So English forces basically sat behind Belgium with the plan to come in and reinforce Belgium’s section of the line when Germany attacked

France also had their own section of the maginot line and invested heavily into it.

Germany didn’t attack the maginot line right away or in a meaningful way though. Instead Germany either attacked from the air or went through gaps thought impossible to send vehicles through due to terrain.

Once the line was broken through the British and french had issues holding.

There was lots of other issues. Like poor communication and leadership ultimately lead to the French loss. With France gone England had a 0% chance of holding with their tiny force so they also retreated which is where the Dunkirk story takes place.

As for the war with the USSR, Germany did ok as well due to much better technology and much better leadership. They also had decent man power.

Germany eventually lost vs the USSR.

Britain did much better in Africa which also helped beat Germany elsewhere. Britain also maintained naval superiority at least in the European theater.

Eventually Germany stalled in the USSR then finally was in retreat as the USSR had way more people and as the war progressed had much more in terms of material. They also arguably ended up with better tanks and planes. Even if you could consider a German tank better the Soviet tank was likely much cheaper and faster to build in response.

Tbh d day didn’t even need to happen. The USSR was winning. But everyone knew Stalin wouldn’t stop. The writing was on the wall after Stalingrad and it became a land grab in many ways.

Japan was also virtually useless to Germany throughout all of this. Japan wasn’t going to attack the USSR. And even if they tried they would have lost.

So tldr. Germany had better planning officers and vehicles but they were harder to build and took longer. They also had worse supply lines in general. So while they started very strong they had no sustaining power

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