How was Germany able to do so well at the beginning of the world wars considering it was up against huge enemies?


How was Germany able to do so well at the beginning of the world wars considering it was up against huge enemies?

In: 154

31 Answers

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Lot of wwii answers. I’ll chime in for WWI. Germany and France were in state of wars for centuries. They fought for each other since Prussia was still a thing. In the formation of the modern German state, a new empire was born. At this time, the world was already divided between Britain and France and other colonial powers. After the formation ofGermany, Bismarck was working tirelessly to form new alliance and weakened other powers. The alliance network put Britain France and Russia on one side and Germany and Austria on the other. This means that in time of hostility, Garmany would fight a two front wars. So in late 19th century, German strategists realized that they would have to be the first to strike in order to avoid a two fronts war. Thus they developed the Schfielen plan. So Garmany was planing logistics time tables and attack vectors since at least 1890s

Before hostility began, Russia was involved in the disastrous Russo Japanese war. This gave Germany an extra boost to be more confident.

When hostility commenced, Germany already had a mobilization and attack script to play. However this was also their weakness because they had to achieve their objectives or their train logistics would suffer. Russia actually reformed their army after the Russo Japanese defeat. So Russian quick mobilization took Germany off balance.

The axis was doing well at first because they had been planning for decades. But Austria-Hungragey was a week state that wasn’t able to assist Germany midway through the war.

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