How was knee health for roman soldiers?


Im watching 300 and so I googled soldiers walked 20 miles a day, on top of other stuff like fighting. Did they have bad joints? (Not including injuries).

We can injures from running and need a few days/weeks to recover. Did they just take breaks from fighting?

EDIT: Thanks for all the great answers everyone. Interesting stuff y’all have brought up!

In: 16

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its not exactly the Romans, but I used to work at a museum with an old cottage attached to it from the 1850s. The cottage belonged to a retired British solider.

He apparently suffered pretty badly from varicose veins from his nearly 2 decades of service (and lost an eye but that’s unrelated) so I assume Roman veterans (who also had to serve 2 decades) also started to get affected by various leg and joint ailments after a certain time.

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