How was the first yogurt made?


I went on a spiral of homemade yogurt videos. But what I noticed was the common step in all of these videos is to add a dollop of existing yogurt to inoculate the new one. But how was the original yogurt made? Please explain. Thank you!

In: 159

16 Answers

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The first yogurt was likely made by accident.

One possible example: People used to store milk in containers made from animal stomachs. The natural bacteria in these stomachs reacted with the milk, causing it to ferment and thicken, turning it into yogurt.

Over time, people realized that this thickened milk tasted good and was safe to eat. They then began making it on purpose by adding a bit of the already-made yogurt (which had the needed bacteria) to fresh milk, and then letting it sit for some time to ferment.

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