How were images, apps, letters, and etc able to be put on the first ever computer screen?


How were images, apps, letters, and etc able to be put on the first ever computer screen?
Today if you buy a new device it already has images, numbers, text, and etc. and if you want to add images or make anything in general, you can do it with pre existing software and with the assistance from a computer screen. I could see that maybe the people who made the first ever computer screen had help from pre existing computers but how did they go about doing this? Did they manually put 1’s and 0’s into the hard drive? Is it magic?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Essentially, software had to say: “the top left pixel of the screen should be white, the next one should also be white, the one after that should be black…” etc etc. These days, deep down inside that exact thing is still happening, but we can borrow other people’s code to make it easier: you say “put this picture in this location on the screen” and someone else’s code knows how to follow those instructions pixel by pixel

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