: How were job losses tackled after industrial revolution.


Recent AI discussions makes it almost certain that jobs would be affected. It makes me wonder what happened when suddenly humans were replaced by machines. Assuming a lot of jobs were lost was it that lots of people suddenly found it difficult to afford meals or was it not disastrous at all and was a smoot h transition? Can we compare it to today’s AI revolution in terms of adjustment with jobs?

In: 34

21 Answers

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If this question is to probe what can be done with the coming AI revolution, it’s not going to be cut and dry.

The industrial revolution changed what jobs were available, where they were, and what they paid, with a net positive number of jobs compared to pre revolution. For instance, the invention of the car resulted in car factories, repair shops, road and highway infrastructure amd maintenance, motels, gas stations, oil rigs and refineries, etc etc. All because of the car.

AI doesn’t create jobs. Sure, people write the code, and some jobs will exist to maintain that infrastructure, but there will be a massive net negative number of jobs as a result. Nothing like the “motels because of cars” will happen.

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