: How were job losses tackled after industrial revolution.


Recent AI discussions makes it almost certain that jobs would be affected. It makes me wonder what happened when suddenly humans were replaced by machines. Assuming a lot of jobs were lost was it that lots of people suddenly found it difficult to afford meals or was it not disastrous at all and was a smoot h transition? Can we compare it to today’s AI revolution in terms of adjustment with jobs?

In: 34

21 Answers

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It wasn’t smooth at all, and it could have been a lot worse. (Un)Fortunately, world events helped by “thinning the herd” at opportune moments (pandemics, world wars, famines, etc.).

The AI revolution, which is in its infancy, is unique when compared to the industrial revolution. First, the rate of advancement these days greatly exceeds the rate of advancement during the industrial revolution, thanks in part to the AI itself facilitating the advancement. It’s like the industrial revolution on steroids. What happened over several generations with the industrial revolution will occur within a single generation with AI.

Another aspect is that while the industrial revolution did eliminate jobs, it didn’t make humans obsolete. Sure, with mechanization one person can do the job of several but you still needed humans to work.

AI isn’t just supplementing or augmenting humans. It’s replacing them. Companies like Amazon have been pushing hard on this, with the plan to eliminate most, if not all, of its low-level workforce with AI automatons within a decade. Other companies are following suit, with AI already replacing some jobs. As AI improves, semi-skilled and skilled jobs will be replaced (especially with the advances in robotics and power sources).

AI is a disruptive technology. It will usher in an age of unprecedented human advancement, but it will come at a cost. We really should be doing more to address these costs, but humans don’t have a very good track record when it comes to dealing with future problems.

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