How were kings not “hacked” in the olden days?


Specifically, I’m talking about their signet rings, seals, etc.
Couldn’t someone just make a copy? Or make one that looks extremely similar?
Imagine “hacking” the king. You could start wars or do whatever you wanted just by getting a letter sent somewhere.
I understand it’s not as easy as it sounds and one would have to first obtain said seal or wax imprint from a letter or something but I’m surprised I’ve never heard of it being done.

EDIT: Anyone else now wanna see a movie get made about someone (or some team) pulling off a ‘heist’ like this?? Obviously set back in the olden days.

In: 2491

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They were, but typically directives by the king were meant to be followed up and of course the people operating in these theaters were aware of forgeries.

Wars are typically preceded by, well, issues to go to war about. If your closest ally sends you a single letter that says “Hey lol we’re going to war k bye” you’re going to use your own network of contacts and functionaries to atleast do some homework to ***verify*** that it is authentic.

Are they marching an army?

Have they attacked something?

Why are they even attacking us?

Similarly while short term scams were and are common (think check cashing scams) eventually the perpetrators could slip up and be caught if they got greedy enough. A “letter from the king” only goes so far when your local lord sends a messenger to verify it, or when members of the court appear locally.

In other words, yes these things could be forged, but eventually you had to “prove it”

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