How were wildcats domesticated?


If its in their DNA to hunt and be ferocious how were people able to make it so those traits became passive or safe for them to be around humans?

In: 17

8 Answers

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Cats gradually became adapted to us.

Human settlements and houses were good sources of food for cats because we stored large amounts of food, which attracted rodents.

Cats that were skittish when humans were 100 ft around had lesser hunting prospects than cats that were only skittish at 50 ft. So the latter cat was more likely to reproduce. But soon, those cats started having kittens that were only skittish at 20 feet. So those cats had better hunting prospects, so they reproduced. Eventually, you had cats that would also be comfortable sitting on a person’s lap getting pets, those were taken in because they provided companionship as well as rodent control.

Ta da, you got domestication.

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