How/when are heart defibrillators used?


Tv and movies show them as a magical heart restart machine, bringing people back from the dead. But I’ve heard medical professionals say that’s not true, but they never elaborate. I’ve seen portable ones everywhere, so they must be needed fairly regularly.

In: 73

13 Answers

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Cardiac ICU nurse here :

I thik you mean ICD (implanted cardioverter=defibrillator)

They are put in in people who have quite weak hearts (heart function less than 35% [normal is 60%] ) who are at risk of a lethal abnormal heart rhythm so that if the rhythm occurs people dont die or atleast suffer as much. The heart has to be remain weak despite doctors trying to improve it with medcines /surgery/ procedures / etc.

They are put in as an after thought for people who have had their heart stop due to a wierd heart rhythm (not a heart attack) after coming to hospital with evidence of it occurring ( this is called secondary prevention).

They are put in people who have genetic heart shape problems and are at higher risk for lethal heart rhythm abnormalities. ARVD, channel-ion pathologies.congential heart defects etc.

They only work of the person has hearth rhythm that can be reset by shocking. The heart.uscle still has to be able to move. The heart is moving in a very dangerous way that doesnt push blood out the heart. So even though the heart is beating there is no or barely any blood coming out the heart.

We say we can bring people back from the dead with them because if the heart is in these abnormal rhythms… death is very likely to occur in the next 5minutes and the person should be unconscious.

The portable ones are every because THE single most important predicator to surviving a lethal heart attack or event like this is how quickly a person can get shocked.

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