How/Why Do People Age Slower Now As Opposed To In The ‘80’s Or So?


I’ve read quality of life plays a factor but there was no further definitions for the more smooth-brained persons like myself

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10 Answers

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There are multiple factors, which also depend on where you are from and how much money you have:

1 – Advances in medicine. People in the US now routinely have major procedures like knee and hip replacements which increase their ability to stay fit for longer. So many OTC drugs and vitamins are available now to ease pain, give you energy, and so many other things. My grandfather died from a heart attack in 1979 at age 56, and my father had a triple bypass at age 55 and is still here 11 years later.

2 – Fewer people smoke cigarettes now than in the past, and you can no longer smoke in 95% of places in the US. I was born in 1991 and I still remember a few restaurants with smoking and non-smoking sections – but it all smelled like cigarettes. (Gross.) Vaping is turning into its’ own terrible thing, but it’s very different from cigarettes.

3 – Exercise is more prevalent/normalized. In the past, “exercise” meant playing a sport, jogging (which only caught on in US in the 70s/80s), or going to a gym (which were usually specialized by sport – like boxing or weightlifting). Now there’s at least two Planet Fitness locations in every town, and tons of people do yoga or zumba at home.

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