How/why have humans become so intelligent and why are we the top species on earth?


What caused humans to become the top species on earth, and why is there such an intellectual gap between humans and all other species?

In: Earth Science

9 Answers

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The oldest writings in the world are Mesopotamian cuneiform texts. One of those texts is the Eridu Genesis. It says gods landed on earth and terraformed it to mine gold. Part of the terraforming was creating plants and animals. The gods decided mining was too much work, so they created Neanderthals and other ape men, to use as slaves. One of the gods got tired of managing the ape men, so he had his sister genetically modify some of them into modern humans with the ability to retain and pass on knowledge. This gift of knowledge to humans has been repeated in later stories of different religions like the serpent and the apple, Prometheus and the gift of fire, the blood of Kvasir, etc. This is the oldest explanation from over 5000 years ago.

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