How would Chinese EVs be a security threat to Americans?

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I understand it’s an issue with the software and that it could collect data such as tracking users via GPS, but how would that information get transmitted back to the Chinese and how would they use that data? I do understand the privacy concern, but how is that a security threat for the country?

I saw an interview with the Commerce Secretary today and she said that they (the Chinese) would also have the ability to shut off EVs at will. How would that work?

A lot of people are saying the conversation is just a ruse because the American Auto Industry fears low-cost Chinese EVs. We already have section 301 tariffs in place for Chinese goods so I don’t know that I buy that argument 100%.

In: Technology

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let me present a scenario (more for my own entertainment than to answer your question): The year is 2040. Millions of Americans are driving around in their NIOs, tensions have been escalating for decades. 

Then, the Cold War turns hot. War is declared. China is quick to strike a blow intended to break the American spirit. 90 year old Xi, still maintaining an iron grip on power, presses a little red button on his desk. Over in the States the 50 million NIO owners notice their cars have started beeping. They barely have time for confusion to dawn before their world bursts into flames.

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