How would companies take advantage on us on collecting our personal data and selling?


As people always say some big social media platform would collect our personal data and sell to marketing company clfor market analysis, how would I be taken advantage? Would they have different use on photos or locations as well?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another way fb and google sell personal data is compiled market data

Suppose I want to open an ice cream shop. I live in LA so that’s my target market. But LA is huge! Where do I put my shop so I can get customers? I have many possible locations, which ones will have the foot traffic I want so I can best choices and choose before I spend $50k to build out a store

Well….what’s my target market? Does everyone love ice cream? Well..yea. But who goes out for ice cream at the store? Well most ppl don’t get ice cream 9a in the morning. Most ppl do it after lunch or after dinner but not too late after dinner. Who goes out for ice cream? Well it’s primarily families. And specifically females with kids.

So google/fb, can you show me which areas in LA have best kinds of foot traffic of females 25-45 with kids under 15, between hours of 5-7p on school days or 12p-8p on weekends? More importantly, can you show those ppl my store ad in those neighborhoods?

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