How would companies take advantage on us on collecting our personal data and selling?


As people always say some big social media platform would collect our personal data and sell to marketing company clfor market analysis, how would I be taken advantage? Would they have different use on photos or locations as well?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its a chain.

I.E, Facebook knows What you like, what you Want to buy, and how much you are willing to spend it.

Google is Very interested in the data, because they sell ad spaces, and by simply having these data, they can increase the effectiveness of ads.

Because how effective the google ads are compared to other ads, Companies are willing to pay BIG money to get on the program, which then Google capitalizes on.

In this chain, Facebook gets increased revenue from selling the data directly. Google gets increased revenue from more attractive ads. Companies gets increased revenue from more good/service sold because of ads. And you get fuk all except losing your privacy.

In business when all but 1 party in the transaction benefits from said transaction, we call that exploitation.

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