How would companies take advantage on us on collecting our personal data and selling?


As people always say some big social media platform would collect our personal data and sell to marketing company clfor market analysis, how would I be taken advantage? Would they have different use on photos or locations as well?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the past, marketing companies would pay people to do studies and fill out questionnaires. Nothing crazy, but free food, cash, coupons.

Now, that stuff is sold to them not by the individual, but by the some data watershed/clearinghouse. In a sense, you are doing work and not getting paid for it. And someone else is getting paid for it.

It can also be used to limit or funnel you toward certain web searches, etc.

It can also possibly be collected and given to certain agencies without your consent and become easier to access.

It could also be potentially admissible in a case of law.

It’s not at thought crime, but let’s say you click three websites doing a school book report and now they have “triggered” some higher surveillance.

What if you are given a social score and that relates to freedom of movement or price for products as part of a gentle reward/control program.

It’s not about right now.

It’s about the cat being out of the bag and how it may affect the future and future developments of using said data.

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